Hello from Bloomingdale. Yep, being back in the Suburbs after 9 months in south sideish Chicago sure is weird. My first day here it was def culture shock to be seeing white people and asians. :P And to go to gas stations with out bullet proof glass? dang that was a change. Haha when I tell people where I just came from they all comment on how feo and ghetto it is. . . I miss it. :)
But, Bloomingdale is good. I'm in a SUPER fancy apartment. I mean at least compared to what I'm used to. . We have our own washer and dryer! and a dishwasher! And the apartment complex has a pool, not that I can use it. . but dangggg I'm living the high life! I feel like I just came out of the projects or something and now am living in the Marriott. :)
It was definitely hard to leave the Westchester ward. When I told people I was leaving they all thought it was a joke. And then cried. Saying goodbye to the Salgado's was definitely the hardest. Oh man. And then coming here I def feel overwhelmed trying to meet people and remember their names, and getting to know the area. But I've met some awesome people, and some legit families. This area has a lot of potential, but needs some help.
There is a woman here that the missionaries have been meeting with for FOREVER, and she has a testimony and everything, but just hasn't been baptized yet cos her husband isn't on board. Her name is Delia, and she is super sweet. When we met with her this week we asked her to set a baptism date as like a step of faith that her husband will come around to it. So she is now on date for Dec 15. :)
Someone else that set a baptism date this week is Nathaly. She is the cousin of a family in the ward, and she has been coming to church for a while, but the missionaries haven't really taught her anything. So we decided to meet with her last night, and as soon as we brought up baptism she told us she had just decided she wanted to be baptized! Her parents aren't too keen on the idea, but she turned 18 today, and has decided she wants to go ahead and do it anyway. We're planning on Nov 17 for her.
There are lots of other people here who seem super prepared for baptism, but they just haven't really been invited- so . . thats what I'm gonna do. Invite them, and we'll see what happens.
The area here is different too because of the diversity. The last 9 months I've been working basically with puros mexicanos. Here there are Colombians, Hondurans, Peruvians, Brasilians, Guatemalans. . .everyone. And man, do they love to make fun of my Mexican accent and my use of Mexican slang.
I'm having a good time with my companion as well. Her name is Hermana Moffat, and she is from Arizona. She has been out just over a year, and we're having a lot of fun. She's a very hard worker and is keeping in me in line.
I hope you are having a wonderful time in Hawaii. I'm super jealous. It sure is starting to get cold over here. . .
My address is 362 Glenwood Dr #306 Bloomingdale, IL 60108. Just in case anyone wants to write me. . . I mean, I understand if you don't. I'm terrible at responding. :)
Love you all!
Les Quiero,
Imelda and her nietos, Sescie and Xavier
The Salgado kids
Hna Salgado
Benita, (Hna Salgado's daughter)
Evelin y Marlene
La familia Sosa
My welcome to Bloomingdale dinner. Super fancy. Definitely not in Kansas
Or Westchester ward. . .
me and Wendy
Hna Moffatt and I